
It’s often said the first real test of an insurance policy comes when you need to make a claim. You can rely on us to support and assist you throughout the process of making a successful claim. We work for you and will always put your interests first.

Claims can be complex, stressful and lengthy. It’s likely to be the time when you’ll need us most. With our experience, you can be confident that when you need to make a claim, the policy we built with you provides the proper protection. We’ll work with you, providing the advice you need to get things back to normal as soon as possible.

Contact us on 020 8651 7420 as soon as you suffer a loss or are aware of a potential claim.

For liability claims you should contact us immediately with all the relevant details. You should not respond to any letters from a claimant or their legal representation; instead pass this to us without delay.

The stages below apply to property damage and losses:

  1. Assess the situation and bring into play your ‘business continuity’ or ‘disaster recovery’ plans.
  2. Contact us as soon as you can. Some insurance policies have strict notification periods so it’s vital that you let us know about a loss as soon as possible. We will inform your insurer and take appropriate action. For small losses, such as minor theft, this may include the completion of a claim form. For larger losses your insurer may appoint their rapid response team or a loss adjuster to visit you to assess the loss and help mitigate any further damage.
  3. Your insurer will investigate the circumstances of the loss and advise on how they intend to proceed.
  4. The claim proceeds to negotiation and settlement. This may involve cash settlement, replacement of items or reinstating property. We represent you to ensure you are treated fairly and receive the best outcome.
  5. Your insurer may look to recover from a third party who is responsible for the loss. This stage helps reduce future premiums.