Company News

Supporting The Lantern Trust

25 April 2020

Ecclesiastical is owned by a charitable trust and is one of the largest corporate donors to charity in the UK. The programme gives their partners the opportunity to apply for funding on behalf of charities they support. We recently put in an application on behalf on The Lantern Trust.

The Lantern is a charity which helps vulnerable and marginalized people in the Weymouth & Portland area. They offer a range of services including advocacy, housing, benefits advice, counselling, support groups, crisis response, and frontline practical support. Last year they placed 30 vulnerable people into safe housing.

Access applied for £6,000 of funding, to be used to provide 6 people with their own homes. At a cost of £1,000 per person they are able to provide a safe home with a deposit and month’s rent paid in advance. This money will make a huge difference to some of the most vulnerable people.

Firstly may I take this opportunity to thank you on behalf of all of us at The Lantern Trust.  The recent CO-VID 19 crisis has led to an increased demand being placed on our service and this amazing, generous donation will go straight to our front line funds to help us continue to support our communities most vulnerable. Once again, thank you!” – Mike Graham, CEO The Lantern Trust

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