Company News

Supporting Savannah Education Trust

30 August 2018

Ecclesiastical is owned by a charitable trust and is one of the largest corporate donors to charity in the UK. The programme gives brokers the opportunity to apply for funding on behalf of charities they support. As keen supporters of the Savannah Education Trust we decided to apply for funding on their behalf.

The North West region of Ghana faces great poverty. Many children are malnourished and have no access to education, instead spending most of their childhood working on subsistence farms. Life expectancy is low and infant mortality rate high with diseases like polio still a threat.

The Savannah Education Trust provides these children with a quality education by building schools, providing school meals and training teachers. Currently there are six Savannah schools operating with another school (300 pupils) and a nursery (60 children) due to open in September 2018. The benefits of building schools in this region extend beyond education with obvious health, hygiene and general wellbeing benefits. Families who have not received an education for generations are now able to send their children somewhere safe to learn and develop.


The donation of £9,270 will provide equipment and resources for the new school and nursery including textbooks, notepads, furniture and blackboards. This will ensure a high standard of education and open up opportunities for these children of the Savannah.

The Trustees of Savannah Education Trust have expressed their sincere thanks for this grant. “This is a significant donation for our charity and it will help make a real difference to the lives of children in one the poorest regions of West Africa”. Tim Wiltshire, Trustee

You can read more about Savannah Education Trust here.

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