Company News

Access Renews Support for Charity Finance Group

1 May 2020

CFG inspires a financially confident, dynamic and trustworthy charity sector. They champion best practice, nurture leadership and influence policy. Over 1,400 UK charities rely on CFG for support in developing their finance management, knowledge and skills.

Simon Hickman, Access CEO, said: “We are very supportive of the work CFG do on behalf of the sector. The way in which they represent and serve charities is excellent with well thought out research, resources and campaigns.”

Access previously worked closely with CFG on our #NoCharityIPT campaign; an effort to exempt charities from the insurance tax bill which costs the sector around £40M each year.

We are particular support of CFG’s work on influencing policy. They produce excellent opinion pieces, such as this article by their CEO (Charity isn’t ‘gentle’ – it’s messy, hard, difficult and painful), in response to the COVID-19 situation.

To find out more about CFG, their work and their latest campaigns, visit CFG News.

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