Company News

Access Refurbishment – Official Opening

16 October 2022

The Access office in Selsdon has been totally refurbished over the last few months, complete with new desks for our 50+ staff as well as a breakout area to enable staff to get some time away from their desk and to collaborate.

The office was reopened to staff in early September and an official opening was held on Thursday 6th October.  Access staff were pleased to welcome and network with clients, partners and insurers.

This occasion was also used to present Rita Chadha, a trustee of London’s Air Ambulance Charity (LAAC), with a cheque for £2000. Operations Director, Steve Blake, had his life miraculously saved by LAAC on 1 Jan 2020 after a major accident from which he took 9 months to recover. Steve’s family have raised over £5000 for the LAAC since his accident and Access was pleased to be able to add to this.

Access continues to grow and pursue its vision of serving charities & not-for-profits, whilst giving back to great causes each year – something that now appears on one of the walls.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the staff, clients and partners of Access who have shaped the Company into what it is today.

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